Philip Lymbery
5 min readMar 3, 2023


Cultured Chicken Frying |

How ‘Cultivated’ Meat from Stem Cells Might Change Our Tastes Forever

So, here’s a question for you: would you eat meat grown not from a cow, but from a vat?

It’s a question that we might all get to answer for real sometime soon as ‘cultivated’ meat grown from stem cells becomes closer to being a commercial reality. Its entry into the marketplace will transform the longstanding polarised debate about whether to eat meat. A black and white conversation: go veggie/vegan, or not?

Recently, that apparent dietary divide has been bridged by the rise of the ‘flexitarian’ — someone who mixes it up a bit — flexing between plant-based and carnivore to reduce their overall meat intake.

But now there’s a new game in town: cultivated meat grown without the animal.

Cultivated meat is threatening to disrupt the global meat market. It’s produced from stem cells harmlessly drawn from donor animals, then raised in a soup of nutrients in a bioreactor. No animal components are needed. Replicating nature but without the slaughter.

It’s something that has long been solely the realm of science fiction; seemingly fanciful and impossibly far off.

Now, it has become a multi-billion-dollar industry researching, nurturing, even serving cultivated meat to paying customers. It has moved beyond the realms of fantasy to something catching the attention of policy makers, demonstrated not least by a positive citation last year in a US Government executive order.

Major opportunity

The opportunity is vast — today’s animal-based meat industry is worth $1.4 trillion ($1.4 million million) and continues to grow.

Which is a big problem because as things stand, the greenhouse gas emissions from our appetite for meat alone look set to trigger catastrophic climate change.

Cultivated meat on the other hand promises a much lower environmental footprint, reducing the impact on climate, land use and air pollution.

Latest predictions suggest cultivated meat could secure 10% of the meat market by 2030 and as much as 35% by 2040.

Inevitably, some ask why not just go plant-based, why not simply be vegan?

Well, there is an obvious answer: as things stand, most people want to eat meat.

Despite the recent rise of plant-based eating, the statistical fact is that per capita meat consumption in much of the world continues to climb.

In the short window of opportunity left to reduce the amount of meat from a bloated and planet-damaging livestock industry, plant-based eating may well need a helping hand.

That extra push to get us beyond industrial animal agriculture could well come from something that is undisputedly “meat” but not from a slaughtered animal.

In this way, consumers could have their cake and eat it — a new type of meat but without the planetary downsides.

Entree of Cultured Chicken |


From a food safety standpoint, cultivated meat could become the single most important non-pharmaceutical health development of our times.

Salmonella, Campylobacter and similar illnesses are caused by bugs from contaminated faecal matter.

Growing stem cells in a vat would mean no intestines and no intestinal bugs, effectively removing these food safety concerns.


Things have come a long way since that first public taste test of cultivated meat ten years ago. I remember back then how two hundred journalists and academics packed into a London auditorium to watch nervous panellists eat a burger that was completely unique. At the centre of the crowd was Professor Mark Post from the University of Maastricht, his hands poised to reveal a culinary creation that had cost $280,000 to produce. The event was more reminiscent of a TV food show than a scientific announcement.

Now, it looks like it is only being a matter of time before cultivated meat reaches supermarket shelves and at an affordable price point.

Singapore has already become the first country in the world to give the commercial go-ahead for the sale of cultivated meat.

In the United States, UPSIDE Foods in Berkeley, California became the first company to receive regulatory go-ahead from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cultivated meat. Before going to market, the company still needs to convince the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). However, optimism is now high that the breaks will soon be off for this emerging product.

Overcoming barriers

Another challenge will be moving from test-bed laboratory product to scaling up for much broader consumption.

Thankfully, there are far-sighted investors that are pump-priming development.

Public funding by governments would likely be a major accelerator. It would undoubtedly make much more funding available for research and infrastructure. It could also create government ownership of the new venture, increasing the chances still further of this innovation becoming a mass market reality.

Intensively farmed broiler chickens, showing distress and sores | Credit CIWF

Consumer perception

At consumer level, much is being made by some of the “yuk” factor, a negative perception of meat produced in a new way. This appears to be driven by a lack of familiarity with the product.

Yet the real “yuk” factor should be reserved for the industrial meat market, where a longstanding lack of transparency prevents consumers knowing what is really going on.

If labels on many existing supermarket meat products were upfront, things would soon be different. Many consumers would recoil in horror knowing their meat comes from animals that have spent a lifetime of suffering before slaughter.

Ultimately, consumer acceptance of cultivated meat will come down to how it is labelled and perceptions of ‘natural’. Today, very little of our society — cars, electricity, computers, cities — is natural.

My view is that cultivated meat will be humanity’s version of something that nature has already given us.

With time so short and current meat production such a major driver of planetary emergencies, cultivated meat could be the game-changer.

Note: This is a version of an article that first appeared in The Scotsman on Monday 27th February, 2023



Philip Lymbery
Philip Lymbery

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